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Replica diorama for 'Scheire
en de Schepping'

- Woestijnvis, 2021 -

What an exciting small project in between this was! As a long-time Nerdland Podcast fan (podcast by Belgium science communicator Lieven Scheire), I was absolutely honored to have gotten this assignment.

'Scheire en de Schepping' is a Flemish science quiz show full of clever jokes and interesting fun facts. For the new season aired by Play4 I was asked to make an exact replica from one of the murderscene dioramas by Frances Glessner Lee made in the 1940s. These are nowadays still used to teach students of forensic science.


In a scale of 1/12, this was a little bit different for me to work with, learned a bunch actually!
I want to especially thank Stephanie Dehennin for illustrating the wallpaper as the exact same original.


Client               Woestijnis, Belgium
Execution        Stefanie Bonte 

Thanks            Stephanie Dehennin                                              


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